Who we are

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What is CoreBits?

CoreBits is a leading app development platform that helps your business skyrocket to great success. We are proud creators of highly customized software products which serve personal as well as commercial uses. With a team of expert developers and programmers, we proffer secure and scalable mobile app development (especially android, iOS) solutions for your business growth.

From Founder's Desk

CoreBits Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd was established in June 2014. Since the day we entered the technology market, we have delivered numerous projects but the story did not start from there. We have had nurtured ourselves on various technologies, earned expertise in various domains, and thoroughly studied and experienced all possible phases of software development before we even started CoreBits. The story began when we commenced our career with reputed tech firms like Sapient and Robosoft. Learning was the only word we knew and followed past then. As the days and nights passed by, we gained confidence & a zeal to go beyond our capabilities started to take over.
To follow our passion and to get the best out of us, we came up with CoreBits. The idea behind the company is to bring out some innovative ideas that will make the people feel and ponder over the significant capability of the binary digits. To provide effective and flexible software solutions designed to meet the requirements of frequently changing & growing market trends, we work in every possible kind of mobile and desktop applications.
We strongly believe in CHANGE and are always on our toe to be competitive in marketplace, always!


We believe in treating our customers with respect and faith * We grow through creativity, invention and innovation. * We integrate honesty, integrity and business ethics into all aspects of our business functioning.


We love what we do, and that’s why we do it! Creativity can only stem in an environment that nurtures freethinking. We think outside the box. And that is what defines us as a company.


We play fair and believe in building long lasting relationships with our customers. We maintain utmost transparency in all of our dealings.


Integrity of thought and actions in our work as well as in our conduct with our clients defines us. We respect both our customers and employees.


We believe in the dignity of labour and strive to render 100% satisfaction to the customers by giving them only the highest quality of work.